I'm Tiffin.

Quality Assurance Leader.


sticky note app page screenshot

Sticky Note App

Create an interactive app that will let users create, edit, delete and search "sticky notes" on their computer to keep track of to-do items.

Skills: ES6, JSX, Managing data flow, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Page
name tags page screenshot

Name Tag Generator

Build a name tag generator to create, edit and delete bulk name tags using functional components and ES6 modules.

Skills: React, ES6, JSX, Managing Data Flow

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Page
hotel booking app page screenshot

Hotel Filters

Build a search tool that allows you to filter the type of hotel you want to stay in.

Skills: React, ES6, JSX, Managing Data Flow, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Page
github repo gallery page screenshot

GitHub Repo Gallery

Project will pull data from GitHub portfolio to create a gallery of repos. Visitors to the site can click on repos to see more details.

Skills: Vanilla JavaScript, APIs, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: GitHub, CodeSandbox

Live Page
guess the word game page screenshot

Guess the Word Game

Players guess the word by entering one letter at a time. If the player guesses all the letters correctly before they use up their allotted guesses, they win!

Skills: Vanilla JavaScript, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: GitHub, Visual Studio Code

Live Page
unplugged site screenshot


Build a 3-page responsive website from a design comp that adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, Visual Studio Code

Live Page


Developer Skills

Tech Stack



I'm a functional QA engineer, automation QA engineer and front-end web developer

I've always had an interest in the web since I first had access to it in the late 90's. Back then it was so much simpler (and boring!) to create a page. Now you can do so much.

I knit, crochet, paint with acrylic, paint with watercolor, use pastels and inks, and create multi-media pieces. Anything that is creative and has a kit, I'm going to try it.

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